Guns are rubbish in the long run, I'd rather become an expert trapsmen... then the city's not so bad either.
Gravity = plentiful resource.
Word. When there are no more bullets on the earth, the dead will walk all over your pansy gun-reliant ass. Also you'd have to worry about how the zombification was actually contracted/spread - what if it's passed in bodily fluids? Not a good idea to be spraying guts out all over the shop if airborne fluids are a danger. This may also rule out burning bodies pre-emptively (or even post-emptively, if that's a word). I say dig a big hole in the ground, line it with a few feet of concrete and then just lure 'em in and leave them there until they rot. Oh, even better, let's put some thermal casing in to keep the temperature high so the decomposition process is accelerated.
This plan, whilst obviously excellent, will take lots of time to implement, so I would advise hazmat suits and lots of piano wire strung around at neck-height in the interim.
Word. When there are no more bullets on the earth, the dead will walk all over your pansy gun-reliant ass. Also you'd have to worry about how the zombification was actually contracted/spread - what if it's passed in bodily fluids? Not a good idea to be spraying guts out all over the shop if airborne fluids are a danger. This may also rule out burning bodies pre-emptively (or even post-emptively, if that's a word). I say dig a big hole in the ground, line it with a few feet of concrete and then just lure 'em in and leave them there until they rot. Oh, even better, let's put some thermal casing in to keep the temperature high so the decomposition process is accelerated.
This plan, whilst obviously excellent, will take lots of time to implement, so I would advise hazmat suits and lots of piano wire strung around at neck-height in the interim.