• http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=109063322488543

    For those without Facebook:

    The general plan at the moment is meet up at the Forum for a 6:30pm sharp start, so ideally you'll want to be there about 6:00, 5:30 if you want a beer and can swing it ;)
    After that we'll mount our bikes for a couple of hours whilst completing a series of clues/tasks around Norwich.

    Be back at the finish line (Bicycle Shop on St Benedicts) by 20:30 for scoring, a few drinks and some merriment. (If you don't fancy the biking feel free to meet us at the pub, but be warned, we may be smelly!)

    The latest Update from Ellie 'The Gamesmaster' Whidden:

    Ladies and Gents,
    Your mission (should you choose to accept it): Complete as many tasks/ solve as many clues as possible in the allotted 2 hours using ONLY your bicycle as mode of transport, in and around Norwich city centre.

    Each clue or task will have a points value depending on how tricky we think it is, the more clues or tasks you comeplete, the more points you get - very simple.

    Prizes given (after in the Bicycle shop) to the most successful and best dressed teams.
    If you don't fancy the cycle, please join me (Ellie) in the Bicycle shop from 8.30 onwards to help judge/ consume prizes :-)

    Kit list: (per group)

    • Pen
    • Camera/Cameraphone (essential) - and it needs to be digital with a screen so we can check your evidence on the night.
    • Health and Safety equipment (optional- although on your head be it!): Helmet, High vis jacket, Bike lights etc....)
    • A mode of carrying items i.e rucksack (of if your super cool like Adam) a basket!
    • Waterproofs
    • Water
    • Bicycles


    1. Teams of up to five (maximum please)
    2. No motor vehicle shall be used- (electric bikes will be allowed only on presentation of a blue disability badge!)
    3. No proof= no points (all will be revealed....)
    4. You are responsible for your own safety- please respect the rules of the road.
    5. Fancy dress is recommended as there will also be prizes for the 'best dressed team'.

    Looking forward to seeing you there- oh and....may the best team win!
    Happy Peddling!

    Ellie :-)
