A few times I've called out at people in the road in London, who make absolutely no movement, only to realise they're foreign and this don't respond so readily to LOOK OUT! One time a french kid actually stepped backwards further into the road just as i was going round him, luckily i'd slowed down.
I think i need to practice me shouting. I feel too embarrassed to do it properly... it's more like "erm, AHEM. 'scuse me. sorry."
One of my old flatmates used to have a similar problem on foot in Tube stations so he started to clap really loudly in their ears once he was up close, like you would at a flock of geese. This is not so easy on a bike so a hearty "AAAAAAAAAARGH" in its place ought to do the trick, crazy banshee style. No understanding of English required to get that ;)
One of my old flatmates used to have a similar problem on foot in Tube stations so he started to clap really loudly in their ears once he was up close, like you would at a flock of geese. This is not so easy on a bike so a hearty "AAAAAAAAAARGH" in its place ought to do the trick, crazy banshee style. No understanding of English required to get that ;)