Empty_cans, as a reaction the popularity of 'txt spk' and general appalling standards of spelling and grammar generally found on internet forums and message boards, this forum has developed an almost psychotic fervour for language pedantry. It is a 'thing' on this forum. It is not everybody's 'thing', but there you go. You can't please all the people all the time, and all that. Please do not take it as any kind of personal slight. It can be quite funny, it can be quite boring; do not expect it to stop.
The collective 'we' are also incredibly fussy about which bicyles are worthy, and can't stand a good proportion of other cyclists. However, exactly which bikes are worthy and which other cyclists are cunts varies enormously from person to person.
Empty_cans, as a reaction the popularity of 'txt spk' and general appalling standards of spelling and grammar generally found on internet forums and message boards, this forum has developed an almost psychotic fervour for language pedantry. It is a 'thing' on this forum. It is not everybody's 'thing', but there you go. You can't please all the people all the time, and all that. Please do not take it as any kind of personal slight. It can be quite funny, it can be quite boring; do not expect it to stop.
The collective 'we' are also incredibly fussy about which bicyles are worthy, and can't stand a good proportion of other cyclists. However, exactly which bikes are worthy and which other cyclists are cunts varies enormously from person to person.