1. Bernie
    2. 50/14
    3. vélo libre
    4. joe smith
    5. Roymund
    6. Balki
    7. dicki
    8. middleofnowhere
    9. kattiep - doing the first half to be replaced by jonny - second half.
    10. dublinkevin
    11. mmccarthy
    12. Sniffy
    13. winston smith
    14. [BrainBreaker - probably not]
    15. Clever Pun
    16. Aleksi
    17. Bearfoot ( advice by the doctors due to a lack of vitamin G)
    18. hillbilly
    19. Clara
    20. Mr.Drunk
    21. thebaldbuzzard
    22. Jester
    23. betty
    24. Kirth
    25. henrycollie
    26. Murtz, drinking what ever is on the right of the guiness pump
    27. Clockwork_killa
    28. izgard
    29. mrx
    30. tom k&e
    31. Gav86
    32. Cv