mackrel recipie for tonight
1 mackrel
2 ginger ,chillie, garlic, salt peper in to a paste, slash fish, rub in paste
3 fry fish, bit of lime / lenmon
4 boiled new pots
5 salad
6 nom
&@DFP ( & Jemjah), is mackerel one of the fish we're allowed to eat? Asking because when I was young, which was ages ago, you caught mackerel anywhere by throwing a spinner out of the boat. Now when you go on a trip they use fish finders to seek out the shoals. Can't be right.
&@DFP ( & Jemjah), is mackerel one of the fish we're allowed to eat? Asking because when I was young, which was ages ago, you caught mackerel anywhere by throwing a spinner out of the boat. Now when you go on a trip they use fish finders to seek out the shoals. Can't be right.