• Maybe in real life you are too cool for school, but on the Internet you sound like a hapless japs eye.
    Sorry if I missed something.

    Yeah I know I probably do, but tbh it doesn't bother me that much. I will probably never meet half the people here nor if I did want to spend any time with them ... some people don't like me in person, that is fine.

    Doesn't really bother me, I like a good argument and I say what I thiink. I am grown up enough to know that some people will hate because I am like this whereas other people will like me and just think I am a bit of a tit sometimes ... Swing and Roundabouts ... you can't be everyone's friend.

    EDIT: Japseye, We used to call ourselves the Japseye 6 in Maths class (fuck knows where it came from), we ended up throwing Japseye comments around the classroom in 6th form, pretty much all the time as well as trying to do impressions of chewbacca fellating himself.
