• #2
This is why I don't take Cable street anymore. I much prefer Commercial road with bus lanes and more room to move.
Pedestrians on Cable street are too unpredictable and seem clueless about the cycle path. Then many of the cyclists going down it aren't paying attention to peds because they're on the blue paint which means they're safe and nobody can touch them. It's easier to just avoid the whole mess.
Hope the cyclist and kid are okay.
• #3
Hope the rider is ok
I agree with D.Generate, that road is leathal I went A over T as a mother ushered her kids first through parked cars and the first thing I see is a tiny nipper appear from inbetween cars I slam on the brakes and hit the floor hard bruising my hip really quite badly. the busy traffic of commercial is at least predictable most of the time
• #4
Cable st. was jammed up with motors this morning, I saw a taxi and a car turn right across the cycle route without looking.
• #5
Saw a few cyclist carry on thier merry way regardless of the fact that cars were half way through turning across the cycle lane, they even had to over take people that had stopped. Still the blue paint seems to mean they don't have to stop at lights or zebra crossings either.
• #6
Commercial rd > Cable St.
Better surface too.
Hope the rider isn't badly hurt
• #7
I'm getting really tired of seeing selfish cycling, particularly riders not allowing bigger vehicles to make manouevres when they patently need everyone to just hang back for a few seconds. Stupid and dangerous.
• #8
I'm getting really tired of seeing selfish cycling, particularly riders not allowing bigger vehicles to make manouevres when they patently need everyone to just hang back for a few seconds. Stupid and dangerous.
I sort of want to agree with this, but I'm not sure if it's sarcastic or not.
• #9
I'm getting really tired of seeing selfish cycling, particularly riders not allowing bigger vehicles to make manouevres when they patently need everyone to just hang back for a few seconds. Stupid and dangerous.
Like this at the end of the Cable st CS3 YouTube- commute 100 lorry.mpg
• #10
Was that you?
I nearly shat myself just watching it!
• #11
bloody hell, I use that junction every day and I've never seen anything like that.
• #12
I've done exactly what the truck driver did a couple of times. Admittedly I had a few ales each time, and I wasn't driving tonnes of metal.
• #13
That must have been quite disconcerting! Good sneeze, look up and "holly dog fuck!" there's a truck trying to kill me - i would have been a bit disappointed with the standard of driving as well! liked the honesty about cutting out the audio!
Just to ask the obvious but thats pretty good evidence for at least the offence of due care and attention has it been given to coppers?
I mean you should always pull over before sneezing!
Just joking... -
• #14
Like this at the end of the Cable st CS3 YouTube- commute 100 lorry.mpg
Show some consideration for other road users, you two-wheeled maniac!
• #15
Going through Cable street, cyclist have to be carefull because it is a residential area. The junctions are scary too...a few times already cars pulling up on to the cycle path.
Gosh the lorry is so crazy! Did the driver knew he'd went through the wrong way? I commute going through there RLJing cough cough to Shorter Street when theres no pedestrians. 100 percent stop when peds are about. -
• #16
I go through there every day, coming from from Tower Bridge traffic can go right or left but not straight on, about once a fortnight I see a car or van trying to do what the lorry did. At 4am with not much traffic around its easy to see how the lorry driver got confused.
Most of the motor traffic does a U-turn back towards the Highway. They get a green light at the same time as cyclists coming out of Royal Mint St (cable st) get a green signal to cross the road or turn left towards Tower Bridge, across the line of the motors doing the U-turn. -
• #17
I hate it round there, very easy to go the wrong way if you're not familiar with the layout. At least he realized he was doing it wrong! Lucky escape for everyone.
Saw a rider down on Cable Street CS3 today. Paramedics were strapping his leg up and a crying kid was with an adult on the pavement. I suspect that the kid ran out.
About a week ago I saw a similar incident; a small kid ran out from behind a group of friends into the path of a cyclist who, though going slowly, was unable to stop or avoid the collision. The rider in that incident was fine, and the kid ran off wailing so I guess they were OK too. Both incidents occurred within 5 metres of each other, so I think that it's worth being careful there and possibly some education or a fence is required.
Couldn't get the HTML to work, sorry.