Saw a rider down on Cable Street CS3 today. Paramedics were strapping his leg up and a crying kid was with an adult on the pavement. I suspect that the kid ran out.
About a week ago I saw a similar incident; a small kid ran out from behind a group of friends into the path of a cyclist who, though going slowly, was unable to stop or avoid the collision. The rider in that incident was fine, and the kid ran off wailing so I guess they were OK too. Both incidents occurred within 5 metres of each other, so I think that it's worth being careful there and possibly some education or a fence is required.
Saw a rider down on Cable Street CS3 today. Paramedics were strapping his leg up and a crying kid was with an adult on the pavement. I suspect that the kid ran out.
About a week ago I saw a similar incident; a small kid ran out from behind a group of friends into the path of a cyclist who, though going slowly, was unable to stop or avoid the collision. The rider in that incident was fine, and the kid ran off wailing so I guess they were OK too. Both incidents occurred within 5 metres of each other, so I think that it's worth being careful there and possibly some education or a fence is required.,-0.055157&num=1&t=h&sll=51.511055,-0.055042&sspn=0.001174,0.002401&ie=UTF8&ll=51.511055,-0.055042&spn=0.001174,0.002401&z=19
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