I go this of DMC ages ago, it had a stuck seatpost which Mend a Bike removed for me, hence the lack of paintwork around the seat cluster.
When the paint come off a couple of slits in the seat tube where revealed from where previous attempts to free the seat post had failed. See pics for details
I believe as long as the seatpost is inserted below the slits, then the frame is fine to ride.
Its a beautiful frame, with Campag dropouts on frame and fork, and awesome lugwork. Could be restored into something beautifull, or ridden as a beater. Has nice tight clearances too
Included in sale is a full set of replacement decals.
I go this of DMC ages ago, it had a stuck seatpost which Mend a Bike removed for me, hence the lack of paintwork around the seat cluster.
When the paint come off a couple of slits in the seat tube where revealed from where previous attempts to free the seat post had failed. See pics for details
I believe as long as the seatpost is inserted below the slits, then the frame is fine to ride.
Its a beautiful frame, with Campag dropouts on frame and fork, and awesome lugwork. Could be restored into something beautifull, or ridden as a beater. Has nice tight clearances too
Included in sale is a full set of replacement decals.
Collection in Battersea