Just got myself a boys racer to turn into a polo bike, so I am in the market for:
Some cheap as chips risers, anything will do
A left hand brake lever that will fit on aforementioned risers (again cheap as chips please)
May also need a rear brake but thought I'd wait and see on that one...
Really don't have much money so don't care at all about looks/tattiness/working fantastically, as long as they do the job and won't actively kill me ;-)
Cheers guys
I have Risers but they are cut really god damn hipster skinny. You're welcome to them for nuthin if I can find them. I don't have any grips for them.
I have Risers but they are cut really god damn hipster skinny. You're welcome to them for nuthin if I can find them. I don't have any grips for them.