• What if I started up a PHARMACY, and didn't know all that I should? I made a few fuck-ups, and some were properly bad ones, but when pointed out, I tried to remedy them. Keeping in mind that I still had to pay rent, and also eat. Should I sell nothing and die of starvation, while I try to get everything up to speed, or should I just do the best I could in the circumstances?

    It seems to me, that the people that have complained (and rightly so I believe) have not owned their own companies, or started up their own companies. I was self-employed once, and was doing a good job, I thought. But in the end it folded. Why? Because I didn't know all that I should have. I like to see people succeeding, not failing. Maybe thats the difference between me and so many others, on here. Its not comedic to me if someone has to file for bankruptcy. I know people who have, and I once came very close to it. Its really a harsh thing to happen to someone.

    I am not deluded. I just have always backed the small guy. Sorry if that upsets so many.

    Context Ashe, substitute the word pharmacy for cycle shop and I doubt that you would be quite so magnanimous… The guy is putting together bikes that have the very real possibility of endangering the purchasers well-being, it's not like his selling dodgy t-shirts.

    That's why he should stop trading until he gets qualified and I can't rationalise your defence of his right to trade, would you afford the same slack attitude to a self-employed car mechanic that indulged in the same practices [either through stupidity or a desire to make a quick buck]?

    I don't buy into your indulgence of his foolishness by using his self-employment as some kind of 'get out of jail free card'. I'm self employed and if I didn't deliver the final product to my client with due care and diligence then I would have ceased trading many years ago
