• #2
dibs campagnolo rear and front wheels
• #3
arggg!!!! second on shimano on front wheel £25
• #4
second dibs on the shimano...
• #5
Sold to Johny, Not available anymore.
dibs campagnolo rear and front wheels
• #6
Wheels still available. Can bring them uptown if anyone is interested.
dibs campagnolo rear and front wheels
• #7
I'll take the rear wheel please. Thanking you kindly.
• #8
Sold to Mark!
- Campagnolo - front wheel - Chorus hub on Rigida DPX - 36 spokes - £25
Still available. Great quality wheel - clincher. cheers c_c
I'll take the rear wheel please. Thanking you kindly.
- Campagnolo - front wheel - Chorus hub on Rigida DPX - 36 spokes - £25
• #9
1. Campagnolo - rear wheel - 9 speed - Veloce hub on CPX22 - 36 spokes - SOLD
• #10
Still available. Great wheel @ great price.
- Campagnolo - rear wheel - 9 speed - Veloce hub on CPX22 - 36 spokes - £35
- Campagnolo - rear wheel - 9 speed - Veloce hub on CPX22 - 36 spokes - £35
Wheels - Campagnolo - Shimano - Deep V rim
1. Campagnolo - rear wheel - 9 speed - Veloce hub on CPX22 - 36 spokes - £35
2. Campagnolo - front wheel - Chorus hub on Rigida DPX - 36 spokes - £25
3. Shimano - front wheel - Ultegra hub ona deep v rim - 18 spokes - SOLD
If anyone is interested in any of the above, please place a dib followed by a pm. The wheels can be posted at extra cost or delivered uptown if I have the time. cheers c_c