There was a ridiculously random strong gusting wind that popped up at different places around the track. Maybe that was why the pacing was so random at times? I'm going to be generous of spirit and assume that it was, rather than it being due to the intermediate bunch being a bit amateurish compared to the advanced lot.
I'm a fucking novice at the moment anyway. 4 months away from the track, so I probably needed an induction.
Yep I found it very random, but thats down to the differnt levels of fitness/strength/experience compared to Sundays where its a lot more level.
I guess thats why its called intermediate training.
Enjoyed it though, was good to see a few old faces i havent seen for a while.
Yep I found it very random, but thats down to the differnt levels of fitness/strength/experience compared to Sundays where its a lot more level.
I guess thats why its called intermediate training.
Enjoyed it though, was good to see a few old faces i havent seen for a while.