if you are reffering to my post, not snobbery Jaw, just plain old personal taste, i find white pinots hard work, not nearly enough round fruit & i find that most lack the finish i like in a white.
If others like a SA Pinot variety then good for them, I would never turn away a glass if offered. Maybe i will find a vintage/make i like.
I will keep an eye out for those three makers/make mentioned
if you are reffering to my post, not snobbery Jaw, just plain old personal taste, i find white pinots hard work, not nearly enough round fruit & i find that most lack the finish i like in a white.
If others like a SA Pinot variety then good for them, I would never turn away a glass if offered. Maybe i will find a vintage/make i like.
I will keep an eye out for those three makers/make mentioned