It's not like they have to sit watching it for 6 days! If it's a similar software to the one at my work they could find the moment it happened in 5 or 10 minutes.
Statutory bodies, or large and older companies, hardly update their CCTV to the latest motion-detection types. It costs a lot of money, and would have to be rolled out of a huge area. They'd be lucky to be using digital now, instead of ancient VHS tapes.
you locked it illegally inside private property. they would of removed it for sure. you don't have a leg to stand on.
whats the go with people trying to blame others for them being stupid?!?
I didn't want to say it this way, as I have grown so tired of offending people; but I work in the security industry, and fully agree with what dogsballs has said here.
Statutory bodies, or large and older companies, hardly update their CCTV to the latest motion-detection types. It costs a lot of money, and would have to be rolled out of a huge area. They'd be lucky to be using digital now, instead of ancient VHS tapes.
I didn't want to say it this way, as I have grown so tired of offending people; but I work in the security industry, and fully agree with what dogsballs has said here.