It was mainly shot from a static position on a tripod/the floor and a bit handheld I think. No doubt he can advise as to the low light conditions.
I think the problem with head cams for cycling is that you just see a lot of backs of peoples heads. It might make more sense to race ahead, set up and film everyone coming past and repeat. Or even dare I say send the camerman ahead in a car (headlight ilumination?).
Could make a nice little bit of film, if the light (or lack therof) problem can be overcome.
Duncan did some awesome filming for Swaintoux,
It was mainly shot from a static position on a tripod/the floor and a bit handheld I think. No doubt he can advise as to the low light conditions.
I think the problem with head cams for cycling is that you just see a lot of backs of peoples heads. It might make more sense to race ahead, set up and film everyone coming past and repeat. Or even dare I say send the camerman ahead in a car (headlight ilumination?).
Could make a nice little bit of film, if the light (or lack therof) problem can be overcome.