hmmmm: 55 might be too big.
i've just roughly measured my darklord one frame to do everything bike. it's approx 54 x 54 (probably closer to 53.5).
i think the seatpost on my beater was 55 and that was a bit too big for me, in all honesty (could just about stand over it).
in gym news, i'm investigating as i only need somewhere for the winter i think. i don't really like them, but there's a pool involved as well at ucl. and that appeals.
hmmmm: 55 might be too big.
i've just roughly measured my darklord one frame to do everything bike. it's approx 54 x 54 (probably closer to 53.5).
i think the seatpost on my beater was 55 and that was a bit too big for me, in all honesty (could just about stand over it).
in gym news, i'm investigating as i only need somewhere for the winter i think. i don't really like them, but there's a pool involved as well at ucl. and that appeals.