I've got a Plug at the moment, and I've changed a few bits and bobs on it, but I was wondering what the next step is, where should I go from here?
Considering one of either Carbon Forks or new wheels- what would you do, and is there anything else I should be looking at doing first?
Currently I've just put on a fixed gear and removed the back brake, as well as changing the pedals, saddle and stem. I've also got some new bars to go on.
I've got a Plug at the moment, and I've changed a few bits and bobs on it, but I was wondering what the next step is, where should I go from here?
Considering one of either Carbon Forks or new wheels- what would you do, and is there anything else I should be looking at doing first?
Currently I've just put on a fixed gear and removed the back brake, as well as changing the pedals, saddle and stem. I've also got some new bars to go on.