If using just one lock, then I'd suggest the M18. You can lock more of your bike with that (wheel and frame to immovable object). I'm not edscoble, but the physics of locking a bike securely is not a very changeable thing.
On another note, I noticed a bike a few years ago, that was extremely well locked up, and am now going to post the image. Just an idea, but if any of you see a bike that is really securely locked, front and back, and happen to take a photo, why not post it here. It works as a counterpoint to the How Not To Lock Your Bike thread.
If using just one lock, then I'd suggest the M18. You can lock more of your bike with that (wheel and frame to immovable object). I'm not edscoble, but the physics of locking a bike securely is not a very changeable thing.
On another note, I noticed a bike a few years ago, that was extremely well locked up, and am now going to post the image. Just an idea, but if any of you see a bike that is really securely locked, front and back, and happen to take a photo, why not post it here. It works as a counterpoint to the How Not To Lock Your Bike thread.
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