OK, you can all laugh at me for being gullible, but seriously am I to believe that there are people out there running brakeless freewheel? Surely my pud is being pulled?
I saw a 70 year old man in Cuba doing this and heaped as much disdain upon him as I could for his lack of consideration for both his safety and that of his comrades. Unfortunately he couldn't stop to appreciate the finer points of my polemic, and I have a sneaking suspicion he didn't really give a fuck anyway, as his demeanour and the steely glint in his eye distinctly told be that he was of a belief that brakes were un-communist and a bourgeois innovation designed to suppress the masses and keep the rich industrialist brake manufacturers in power.
Perhaps he is still rolling along, unable to stop in his quest to demonstrate the sheer inefficiency and corrupt excesses of Western stopping mechanisms to his Communist brethren. As much as I despise such callous disregard for our western public health and safety regulations I couldn't help but admire his determination and skill by the way in which he was able to communicate so much through the graceful motion of his pedals, the grimy colour of his wife-beater and the insouciant click-click-click of his oil starved freewheel...
I saw a 70 year old man in Cuba doing this and heaped as much disdain upon him as I could for his lack of consideration for both his safety and that of his comrades. Unfortunately he couldn't stop to appreciate the finer points of my polemic, and I have a sneaking suspicion he didn't really give a fuck anyway, as his demeanour and the steely glint in his eye distinctly told be that he was of a belief that brakes were un-communist and a bourgeois innovation designed to suppress the masses and keep the rich industrialist brake manufacturers in power.
Perhaps he is still rolling along, unable to stop in his quest to demonstrate the sheer inefficiency and corrupt excesses of Western stopping mechanisms to his Communist brethren. As much as I despise such callous disregard for our western public health and safety regulations I couldn't help but admire his determination and skill by the way in which he was able to communicate so much through the graceful motion of his pedals, the grimy colour of his wife-beater and the insouciant click-click-click of his oil starved freewheel...