My current place of work has a badge-making machine, and a while back I bought a batch of bits and bobs to get some personal badge-making done.
Having had my fill, I'm left with plenty spares, so I'm offering my services as badgemaker extraordinaire to the forum.
I will put an image of your choice (or design something, if it's simple) on a badge, and probably hand deliver it to your sweaty palm (assuming said sweaty palm is somewhere sensible in Central/N/E/SE London), all for the princely sum of 50p/badge.
I would rather be doing batches than one-offs, but can't afford to be fussy. I've got til the end of August here, and suitable pieces for approx. 150 badges.
Anyone interested? Badges are of the 36mm variety, which, while not being a 55 or 72mm kids birthday card monster, is definitely big enough for your witty slogan, photo of your dog, or crude line illustration of 'flipping the bird'.
My current place of work has a badge-making machine, and a while back I bought a batch of bits and bobs to get some personal badge-making done.
Having had my fill, I'm left with plenty spares, so I'm offering my services as badgemaker extraordinaire to the forum.
I will put an image of your choice (or design something, if it's simple) on a badge, and probably hand deliver it to your sweaty palm (assuming said sweaty palm is somewhere sensible in Central/N/E/SE London), all for the princely sum of 50p/badge.
I would rather be doing batches than one-offs, but can't afford to be fussy. I've got til the end of August here, and suitable pieces for approx. 150 badges.
Anyone interested? Badges are of the 36mm variety, which, while not being a 55 or 72mm kids birthday card monster, is definitely big enough for your witty slogan, photo of your dog, or crude line illustration of 'flipping the bird'.