• #27
You filthy bitch
• #28
• #29
Len Ingram, Tel (UK) 01249 650 23 he will give you the telephone number for david millar
• #30
Why on earth anyone would want a curly-stayed bike is beyond me. Can anyone enlighten me? Vertically compliant? [/old forum meme] I will ask Bruno what he thinks (was on the TweedRun1 on a lovely red geared one).
• #31
^ because its different and (depending on your opinion) looks good.
It's one of these things where I think the myth goes; the curls help smooth out the old rough road surfaces they used to have. But actually it's not, its just because all competition bikes weren't aloud logos, so it was a form of marketing... a bit like GTs I guess.
But I bet the real reason is someone got bored and thought it would look cool.
Also dare I say it utfs / this has been discussed many times / etc. ;)
• #32
Aha, the Unique Selling Point, like Claud Butler with the bilaminate lugs.
• #33
googles bilaminate lugs
very nice... think these are ones to remember, if I ever got a custom frame.
EDIT: just looking at those again - that's some seriously steady-handed lug lining!
This is what happens when the questions in a thread are answered as fully as they are going to be.
You lucky that picture above hasn't started off a bird related pun off, people must he tired after the dd!