It's fairly flat. Straight out and back downhill on the way out then a couple of straight drags on the way back. I've got 2 free days where I can try out the gears so I should be able to find out whats best then.
I'm a bit worried about puncturing the tub on the disc. It's just a 23mm Tufo designed for track. I won't be using a rear brake anyway but this disc hasn't got a braking surface. Do discs actually have a braking surface?
It's fairly flat. Straight out and back downhill on the way out then a couple of straight drags on the way back. I've got 2 free days where I can try out the gears so I should be able to find out whats best then.
I'm a bit worried about puncturing the tub on the disc. It's just a 23mm Tufo designed for track. I won't be using a rear brake anyway but this disc hasn't got a braking surface. Do discs actually have a braking surface?