The problem with designing a scheme that you ban cyclists from is that they will use it, anyway, and as their use hasn't been 'designed in', this will often create greater hazards, e.g. like the one you outline--had cyclists been considered, the scheme should have taken a different shape.
Hmm, I see what you are saying, and I agree, but is it not possible that they were considered and a reasonable solution could not be found? Obviously I don't know.
The idea that cyclists will do what they want, and rather than change their behaviour the rules should be changed doesn't sit entirely well with me, but maybe that's just reality.
Hmm, I see what you are saying, and I agree, but is it not possible that they were considered and a reasonable solution could not be found? Obviously I don't know.
The idea that cyclists will do what they want, and rather than change their behaviour the rules should be changed doesn't sit entirely well with me, but maybe that's just reality.