I thought inception started well, then just got a bit ridiculous in the last 3rd. Especially the cliched deus ex machina twists.
I liked that it just used the dream linking as a plot device and didn't philosophise too much about how mental dreams are and whether we're all dreaming, but then it sort of did and that annoyed me, but only arbitrarily so. It's obviously great to watch but ultimately, for all the special effects and that, it's sort of forgettable. Memento is his best film i reckon.
^ this.
regarding factotum, on our second date, my now girlfriend and i went out drinking in the west end. we played airhockey in the trocadero then went to see this at the curzon. all exctited and intoxicated we decided to sneak in a bottle of wine from which we were both merrily swigging in the back row... word to the wise: don't sneak a bottle of wine into a film about two desperate raging alcoholics including extended scenes of tortured morning after vomiting. it's a real passion killer.
^ this.
regarding factotum, on our second date, my now girlfriend and i went out drinking in the west end. we played airhockey in the trocadero then went to see this at the curzon. all exctited and intoxicated we decided to sneak in a bottle of wine from which we were both merrily swigging in the back row... word to the wise: don't sneak a bottle of wine into a film about two desperate raging alcoholics including extended scenes of tortured morning after vomiting. it's a real passion killer.