• I didn't even know we couldn't use it. I used to go down past Cycle Surgery. If a copper is there I guess I might have second thoughts now (if I remember this). I only ride that way once in a blue moon so it's not really a big issue? big issue? big issue?! for me.

    Well, permeability (or lack of it) is a big issue in London; lack of it is one of the main reasons why people don't ride bikes. How big an issue for you it is depends on how much you are prepared to accept inconvenient diversions while using a distance-sensitive mode that enables you to read the urban environment much better than if you were on foot or if you were in a car or using public transport.

    Was this initially for both buses and bikes and then redesignated as bus only?

    No, this was a London Bus Priority Initiative project. I think the first drawings date back to 2005, and the contraflow has only just been completed. There was no prior contraflow permission for bikes (as there was no contraflow, natch). The one-way system in that area has obviously been there for a very long time.

    You may perhaps have noticed that the signage took a while to arrive, but I haven't followed this closely, so I don't know about scheme progress.

    More info here:

