• #302
i'l probably just go round the roundabout a couple of times.
• #303
brilliant thanks brenwen that's where I was headed but thought it best to check
• #304
oh, i just read your first post john, you didnt actually know where in hyde park we were meeting.
i was just confused to where on the actual corner we were meeting. -
• #305
Right setting off now. See you guys in a bit :)
• #306
lol yeah I'm a bit confused about that too but am going to wear my lfgss cap and hope either that I stick out like a sore thumb or that mine and branwens cap act like magnets and we just bump heads
• #307
ahem, can't believe what I've just read. I don't know why, I've lived in London all my life, but I was actually going to head for Speakers Corner (N/E corner of Hyde Pk near Marble Arch). Now I am wondering what I'd have done if I hadn't realised. I would be hanging about waiting and cursing you all for being so late!
Anyway, cheers for putting me right
• #308
on train now...I passed excited as soon as I pulled on the shoes....
• #309
ok, anyone sharing numbers before leaving? mine is oh78ohseven1fiveseven 3sixfive just in case
• #310
oh, i just read your first post john, you didnt actually know where in hyde park we were meeting.
i was just confused to where on the actual corner we were meeting.Under Wellington Arch (NOT Marble Arch). You can't miss it.
• #311
last minute read of the thread ftw
• #312
Just shout SERENITY NOW into any phone (doesn't have to be on) and you'll get through to me
• #313
oh seven seven eight seven nine two six eight one three.
should really be in the numbers thread but haven't got round to it.... -
• #314
I'm off now--hopefully should make it down in 45 minutes. See you there!
• #315
Go! Go! Go! ... Have an awesome ride chaps and chapesses ... x
• #317
I'm still in Brighton. Did another loop of the hills.
• #318
Joe almost missed his stop (and make me miss mine) on the train back. Out like a light, took two minutes of shaking before he woke up, I even checked his pulse, he was that deep in sleep!
• #319
ha ha! We did some sleeping on the train back but none of us were that bad. SuperSleepyJoe?
I'm still fairly buzzy (shouldn't have had coffee with breakfast) but starting to wind down now for some sleep.Great ride =)
• #320
• #321
Oh my fucking knees!!!! Really could have done without the 50min ride back from Victoria Stn!
Great ride Oliver, thank you for the organisation and soldiering on even though you felt like crap. I'm sure most others would have just handed yje reigns to a friend.
• #322
Thanks Oliver for such a great ride. I don't think it could have been planned and executed any better!
I just got home after what feels like the longest journey of my life (why are Sunday trains so crap?). I kept falling asleep at Guildford and hitting my head on a railing, waking up and hearing Kraftwerk on the ipod and realising only about two minutes had passed since the last time this happened. -
• #323
thanks oliver!
brilliant ride, except my ass is killing, i have a weird clicking from my achiles (?? its too early) and my family have decided to refuse me sleep -
• #324
/get a new saddle
you don't want to sleep too much now Felix, or you'll be awake all night, I had two hours sleep and feel fine now.
thanks for a brill ride Oliver, I hope you feel better than you thought you would when you wake up.
• #325
Terrific night's riding and great company throughout - cheers for setting this up Oliver. Explaining the beauty of night rides to the uninitiated is difficult enough, selling one where you head landwards for a couple of hours of gratuitous climbing after you've actually reached the coast is possibly a step too far. A breakfast cafe awash with people watching opportunities, bouncers and punters being thrown out at 7am, followed by a train trip which bordered on the surreal at times (could only have happened in England) rounded off an excellent night's entertainment. You'll need to work hard to top this one.
sorry updated link. try again