• I have been of the view that Barry and Patrick , as the event has grown, have been a bit negligent as to the consequences of that growth , and I am person all for autonomous self organisation. I just think they are missing a trick by not attempting to involve local communities and clubs in its running. Extra organisation would not alter its character and we might get some people into the clubs which organise the majority of the events you might also want to ride. though that's not to say those clubs are not guilty of being more concerned with running" their events" than attracting new members.

    The DD is , i suspect , at a tipping point , perhaps some honesty about the event and its future is needed.

    To my mind, the DD has its charm and appeal given to it precisely by the current level of organisation. It's all done by volunteers--what they can do determines what can be done. Likewise, why not look to the local communities to get involved themselves?

    At the end of the day, the ride passes through areas pretty quickly. You might be able to have one or two additional feed stations (as apparently there used to be), or people might take their own initiative, like the house that apparently set up a small cafe in their garden this year, but options for 'involvement' are really quite limited.

    The one thing that I think would be useful would be to put on different trains from Darsham that can take larger numbers of people to Ipswich, but I think that has been explored and didn't happen, although I don't know why.

    I think if it grows, it'll grow naturally, and what accompanies it will grow naturally, and you have to let that run its course.
