...you might want to clarify your case. To me it sounds like you're proud for creating an argument.
If that makes you proud, you might want to re-evaluate your goals in life.
fwiw, what started out as an innocent observation seems to have gotten lil james here worked up into a bit of a froth, its like watching a two year old being told he can't have pudding until he eats his sprouts.
and yeah, im happy to be a 'noob' - if calling someone that in a perjorative way makes your internet-winkie hard, then im proud to be of service ;)
fwiw, what started out as an innocent observation seems to have gotten lil james here worked up into a bit of a froth, its like watching a two year old being told he can't have pudding until he eats his sprouts.
and yeah, im happy to be a 'noob' - if calling someone that in a perjorative way makes your internet-winkie hard, then im proud to be of service ;)