• #27
yes, the idea is to properly lube the chain after it's dry ;)
• #28
RPM fucking landfill
i don't agree that it's necessarily a bad idea enviromentally. i bought one pack of those things in march, i've still got half of them. I use one wipe, about once a month or so to clean every part on my bike. no white spirit gets poured down the drain, no detergents into the drainage system. just one small piece of cloth, and nothing toxic at all, which has to be a good thing, right?
i don't have any old T-shirts as i take all old clothes to the charity shops, and anyway, sooner or later you'll have to chuck that T-shirt away anway... I think being sensible with ones use of any cleaning product is the key.
• #29
chain cleaning devices are nick nacks for dick heads.
and those wipes are fucking landfill bollocks, worse than jam rags.
old t-shirts, white spirit, plastic bottles.
now you cunts, get to it.
I wanna see those chains gleaming like roberto's bling.
Fantastic post, top LFGSSer, would read again A+++++
• #30
and those wipes are fucking landfill bollocks, worse than jam rags.
Wipes are landfill - as opposed to all the other shit we all stick in our bins, which biodegrades gently over time?
But jam rags, that's a new one for me non-PC lol
• #31
i cleaning my chain the other day i did. i scrubbed it for 30 minutes with fucking citrus degreaser (eco friendly, mind, RPM_). i wiped that shit. i shook it. it was still depressingly dirty. i oiled it. it now looks like shit.
• #32
My new fave chain cleaner / bbq lighter is citronella (lamp oil). It seems to work better than petrol and white spirit. And it keeps the bugs away. Lemony fresh.
• #33
£3.99 from camden garden centre!
• #34
Fenwick FS1 FTW.
• #35
baby wipes
cheap, no fuss, easily available, no fumes, wont damage your skin or your bike, sure i use a couple of packs a year and they go to land fill but its better than pouring petrol away and hardly significant compared to the rest of the shit in your bin.
• #36
I use Big Wipes Industrial, do a great job and good for cleaning your hands too
Just a note, washing up liquids normally contain salt so can actually promote rust.