Though I wouldn't be surprised. It's only a 2p RFID tag encapsulated in a 12p bit of plastic afterall.
Ha! No, just £2 for a replacement. Although I didn't need a replacement. One of the two keys they sent me on Friday was broken. So I pried it open and took the little square chip/tag thing out and replaced it with the one from the mangled key. Little bit of glue and some tape and I was good to go. Used it yesterday with no issues.
Ha! No, just £2 for a replacement. Although I didn't need a replacement. One of the two keys they sent me on Friday was broken. So I pried it open and took the little square chip/tag thing out and replaced it with the one from the mangled key. Little bit of glue and some tape and I was good to go. Used it yesterday with no issues.