• #2
doesnt fit in my hole lol . . .
each to their own ^^
• #3
Oh man. I was looking for something to fit into my hole. I'll check my finances tomorrow and if the bank says yes I'll take it. But if someone else wants it they can go for it. All is fair.
• #4
Erm, is 44mm the standard saddle rail width, or the stoopidly skinny one?
If the former, I might be all over that like a bad case of herpes.
But with a larger wallet. -
• #5
pending for a payment now . . .
• #6
Still for sale?
• #7
After two years???!!!!
forged aluminium seatpost
27.2. 44mm rail
21cm length.
doesnt fit in my hole lol . . .
so its for sale . . .
£25 + Shipped . . .