I did 50 minutes of power from 18.15 before I packed it in. I realised after about 12 laps that I wasn't going anti-clockwise.
It was a good shakedown of the new bike and I think I'm going to adjust the seatpost and put on a shorter stem. I'm having a funny ringing bell sound when I'd go over bumpier bits. Haven't quite figured out where it's coming fun and my chain was skipping when I tried to put it in the proper gear so I'll have to brush up on my derailleur mechanics.
Nice to meet you two briefly as you zipped past. You guys are fast and I'm looking forward to trying to keep up with you again.
I did 50 minutes of power from 18.15 before I packed it in. I realised after about 12 laps that I wasn't going anti-clockwise.
It was a good shakedown of the new bike and I think I'm going to adjust the seatpost and put on a shorter stem. I'm having a funny ringing bell sound when I'd go over bumpier bits. Haven't quite figured out where it's coming fun and my chain was skipping when I tried to put it in the proper gear so I'll have to brush up on my derailleur mechanics.
Nice to meet you two briefly as you zipped past. You guys are fast and I'm looking forward to trying to keep up with you again.