• #52
Too true Oliver.
TBH, it's a play on a film quote and can be taken any way you like. Same with this new one. Any way you like.
I love cycling, wouldn't do it if I didn't. I wouldn't choose to live here if Adelaide was all bad. It's not. It's bloody great.
The positioning statement of ASHCAN is 'Ride Above'. A positive and aspirational philosophy.
Cycling is awesome. Anywhere.
• #53
Hey Fresh! nice to have news about you. All the best Tika
• #54
Yes, I agree. There are many different experiences to be had in the same place but I just thought it was striking that a city I remember as a pretty idyllic place to cycle was represented so clearly otherwise. But there are crap and dangerous drivers everywhere and I am very sorry to hear about your friend's accident. That sounded nasty! I love cycling in London, but I find it personally more challenging than I remember Adelaide to be. But that is me and I think you are pretty darn lucky living over there. Hope you are enjoying rides like that one up Mount Lofty. I miss it.
There may even be a womens range at some point. And without any reference to genitalia!
That's a shame. I was looking forward to seeing how you might associate bikes and vaginas!
• #55
I love cycling in London
Yeah right. You don't even cycle in London, you cycle above London. :)
• #56
Ha, indeed : )
Hey O, are you back to cycling yet?
• #57
Funny you should ask:
• #58
New tee available at http://www.ashcancollection.com
• #59
Have to complied with helmet law innit?
• #60
Don't worry about the haters on here, they're just upset that you're drinking carbonated kangaroo urine in brilliant weather, while they're stuck in rainy ol' London...
• #61
It's alright, but I wouldn't wear it.
Oh wait.
Good work Mr. Fresh.
Don't worry about the haters on here, they're just upset that your drinking great beer in brilliant weather, while they're stuck in rainy ol' London...
^ Not too far from the truth... ;]
...actually miles off.
As ever, people who are in the 'cycling scene' will hear more about crashes than 'normal' people--at parties, etc., people won't tell you about their good experiences so much, but you'll hear about crashes and injuries. The truth is that in pretty much any place, cycling will attract its share of crashes, but if it was really so unpleasant as Dougie put it up there, people would probably stop riding. After a few bad experiences, it's clearly necessary to live them down a little bit and re-develop a clearer view of how good and pleasant cycling is.