Branwen, I was a tad more careful than that, and as I said, it did work, but felt considerably softer than before. The hairy moment will be when it is repaired and brakes much sharper than I had memorized. Just like my trying-to-freewheel fail on my filmore this morning.
Did you guys pass the Dunlwich Paragon rider with the blue string of lights?
Also there was a guy cycling behind me for a while that had a ridiculous amount of led lights, some 700 lumens or so. Really annoying, he was a tad slower than I was, but when I passed him I'd cast a shadow that would cover the road in darkness, hence I couldn't see where I was going.
Fecking annoying.
Branwen, I was a tad more careful than that, and as I said, it did work, but felt considerably softer than before. The hairy moment will be when it is repaired and brakes much sharper than I had memorized. Just like my trying-to-freewheel fail on my filmore this morning.
Did you guys pass the Dunlwich Paragon rider with the blue string of lights?
Also there was a guy cycling behind me for a while that had a ridiculous amount of led lights, some 700 lumens or so. Really annoying, he was a tad slower than I was, but when I passed him I'd cast a shadow that would cover the road in darkness, hence I couldn't see where I was going.
Fecking annoying.