tbh except for the weirdness of their deaths, i don't see why this is worse than ill thought out airstrikes that kill scores more?
I suppose it's the 'intimate' (for want of a better word) nature of the crime, the pre-meditation, the contempt for the victims, seeing your captors drag your daughter away to be gang raped at gun point, hearing your captors rape your young daughter, hearing her struggling and screaming and crying, seeing your wife shot dead in front of you, a tiny little girl seeing her father shot dead and so on.
If we are simply tally up the mortality (X deaths = X deaths) then a little kid knocked over and killed is no worse than James Bugler's death, just two dead kids.
Personally I think this is much much worse (by orders of magnitude) than death from a badly planned air strike.
I suppose it's the 'intimate' (for want of a better word) nature of the crime, the pre-meditation, the contempt for the victims, seeing your captors drag your daughter away to be gang raped at gun point, hearing your captors rape your young daughter, hearing her struggling and screaming and crying, seeing your wife shot dead in front of you, a tiny little girl seeing her father shot dead and so on.
If we are simply tally up the mortality (X deaths = X deaths) then a little kid knocked over and killed is no worse than James Bugler's death, just two dead kids.
Personally I think this is much much worse (by orders of magnitude) than death from a badly planned air strike.