Ark Minor (if I mange to get an induction session in before)
damo (+livestrong tarck pumps)
joe smiff (might just be spectating/jeering this time. seemed a bit too much like hardwork last time!!)
wicksie (it was, I did both Joe, perfect.)
Buffalo Bill
jaygee (because tarck is fun)
Hoops. (just to humiliate Jaygee)
Dov (just to humiliate Hoops while he humiliates Jaygee)
jimbilly (I maybe a bit hungover but I'll be there)
Tiswas (induction permitting)
Oliver Schick
6pt and the trispok of destiny (wind permitting)
Digger, will be late, coming after work...
What time does this start? What date is this? Do I need an induction? What gear is everyone riding? What races are we having? Are we splitting into two groups? Can I borrow a bike? Do I need a helmet? What is a track? Where do babies come from? Is Joe normal?
What time does this start? What date is this? Do I need an induction? What gear is everyone riding? What races are we having? Are we splitting into two groups? Can I borrow a bike? Do I need a helmet? What is a track? Where do babies come from? Is Joe normal?
Did I miss anything?