Not going to read back through these pages but I thought I'd impose my tuppence worth, as far as I can see it people have no problem with the majority of individual police members, it's their group mentality that people hate, their air of holier than thou bullshit...
About a month ago I was stopped because the tax was out on my car, it wasn't payed because we're in a bloody recession and there was no money available to me to pay it despite my business being owed over €250,000 by bastards who refuse to pay us or make any effort to pay us for work carried out... The sanctimonious little bastard cop who pulled me over told me that "Money is tight for all of us but I manage to pay my car tax"... Disgusting little public servant prick whose wage hasn't dropped one cent in the last few years telling ME times are tough... Dickhead then confiscated my car knowing it would prevent me from working the next day... It's this bullshit that makes people hate them...
Equal to that there are loads of wonderful people who are cops who've helped me out with lots of things over the years...
If you are that skint that you can't afford your tax, how would you have covered payments for damage and injuries caused to others if your were in an accident?
If you are that skint that you can't afford your tax, how would you have covered payments for damage and injuries caused to others if your were in an accident?
Fuzz had a point, no?
(not having a go, been there done that).