shit the bed this thread is the gift that keeps on giving isn't it?
Reading Bad Science got me started on this sort of thing, also psychological irrationality and the inability of humans to deal with randomness properly, how shit financial advisers really are, fascinating stuff.
I thought of you lot last week when I went to the chemist in France. The homeopathic display was quite impressive.
Don't get me started, there are adverts on TV at the mo for car sickness pills (it's the summer hols and the motorways are filling up) with "no side effects, they won't make you drowsy"
they won't, because they are made of sugar, and NOTHING ELSE, despite what the manufacturer may attempt to allege.
BTW, am I the only one thinking that Epic Troll Is EPIC?
shit the bed this thread is the gift that keeps on giving isn't it?
Reading Bad Science got me started on this sort of thing, also psychological irrationality and the inability of humans to deal with randomness properly, how shit financial advisers really are, fascinating stuff.
Don't get me started, there are adverts on TV at the mo for car sickness pills (it's the summer hols and the motorways are filling up) with "no side effects, they won't make you drowsy"
they won't, because they are made of sugar, and NOTHING ELSE, despite what the manufacturer may attempt to allege.
BTW, am I the only one thinking that Epic Troll Is EPIC?
keep it up though Tynan and soperRiva ;)