Admittedly the worrying thing is that car drivers are even less careful around helmet wearers.
Worrying indeed. I ride where there is very little traffic but a lot of narrow roads with blind corners and blind crests. Without fail I will get overtaken on a blind corner or hill on every ride with the car having to drive on the wrong side of the road into the blind corner. I even take up an assertive position which I get the feeling makes them do it more out of spite.
For the drivers to be any worse if I wore a helmet would mean they would have to deliberately ride into me!
Worrying indeed. I ride where there is very little traffic but a lot of narrow roads with blind corners and blind crests. Without fail I will get overtaken on a blind corner or hill on every ride with the car having to drive on the wrong side of the road into the blind corner. I even take up an assertive position which I get the feeling makes them do it more out of spite.
For the drivers to be any worse if I wore a helmet would mean they would have to deliberately ride into me!