I find it useful for everything! it get a bit annoying when people crossing the road thinking that I've done an emergency stop rather than slowing down gently.
In Penang where I lived in Malaysia, there was this road up to the top of the biggest hill. The road was just over 3 miles long and climbs approx 800 metres. Steep as hell.
I can't remember how long it used to take to cycle up but think it was between an hour and a half and 2 hours.
If short on time we sometimes came straight back down, I had the XT parallelogram v-brakes at the time. They used to squeal ridiculously, reckon people could hear me from the bottom. Think it used to take about 10 - 15 mins to come back down, with the squealing non stop.
In Penang where I lived in Malaysia, there was this road up to the top of the biggest hill. The road was just over 3 miles long and climbs approx 800 metres. Steep as hell.
I can't remember how long it used to take to cycle up but think it was between an hour and a half and 2 hours.
If short on time we sometimes came straight back down, I had the XT parallelogram v-brakes at the time. They used to squeal ridiculously, reckon people could hear me from the bottom. Think it used to take about 10 - 15 mins to come back down, with the squealing non stop.
Now THAT was annoying!