• Willesden to Weedon (Northants) Saturday.

    Probably very few of you have heard of Weedon(I certainly hadn't until very recently), it's on the A5 a little way short of Northampton. The only reason for going there was that my other half was going to a course in the town and was happy to drive me home in her car.

    There's really only one way to get to this place and that's straight up the A5. This might sound like pure head banging, and I must admit it was nice when it stopped, but I feel the need of some miles after a three week lay off resulting from a crash, and I thought having a roman road stretching out in front of me for mile after mile would be just the thing. It's worth mentioning that this road runs very close to the M1 and therefore does not carry as much traffic as might be expected. Also it is pleasant to ride in unfamiliar territory, and the area beyond Dunstable is pretty much *terra incognita *to me.

    Milton Keynes is clearly what England would look like if our government manages to destroy the humanities departments of our universities.

    Since I wasn't in any sort of hurry I took my hack bike with its 66'' fixed gear and found it perfectly suited to the 70 miles, which took me about five and and half hours, including a half hour stop in Stoney Stratford. I still feel convinced that at the end of a ride like this I'm less tired having ridden on a moderate fixed gear that I would be if I'd been on gears. I can't really explain this, but I think it may be because if I were on gears I'd feel some how compelled to use the big chain ring and hurry. I suspect I would have arrived a few minutes earlier if I'd been hammering along the downhill stetches on a big gear.

    If I'd posted this ride on the 'Last minute Rides' thread would anyone else have been interested?

    I really liked this story. A proper 'old school' fixed wheel ride like I used to read in Cycling World.
    Good work clubman.
