I'm tinkering with an old bike at the moment to go single speed with.
It's got a 50t chainring.
Thinking of going for an 18t sprocket.
Crank is 165mm
wheels are 700c
Gives me a gear inch measurement of 74.
Does that sound a bit high for ss?
It'll be used to ride flat only, with the odd mild incline.
I'm a bit new to the ratio game, so any advice would be welcome.
My other bike is running 38x 14
I'm tinkering with an old bike at the moment to go single speed with.
It's got a 50t chainring.
Thinking of going for an 18t sprocket.
Crank is 165mm
wheels are 700c
Gives me a gear inch measurement of 74.
Does that sound a bit high for ss?
It'll be used to ride flat only, with the odd mild incline.
I'm a bit new to the ratio game, so any advice would be welcome.
My other bike is running 38x 14