Haha! Thanks for the laugh and response.
I am having my final MRI tonight but it seems that it has for the most part healed, just plenty of wasted muscle. I'm keen to get back on the bike. I'm very hyperactive and travel cost are ridiculous. Anyway, just wanted to know if anyone out there/on here had been in this situation.
Heavy wrist use? Is the comment based on the assumption I am a MR. Bones? ;)
I'm East London and currently in recovery from a completely different injury but thought I would say Hi. I'd say my biggest challenge, aside from my injury, after not being on the road for 4-5 years is my lack of confidence. But that is coming back, very slowly.
I'm East London and currently in recovery from a completely different injury but thought I would say Hi. I'd say my biggest challenge, aside from my injury, after not being on the road for 4-5 years is my lack of confidence. But that is coming back, very slowly.