What form of engineering? Might be an idea to contact your school to see if they have any links with engineering firms for work experience, maybe email engineers without borders if they will take you on in a research part to do some work, or if you want more hands on, national rail or some sort of manufacturing nearby, they might be okay with having you around, also might be an idea seeing if you can do something with universities, you've sadly probably missed deadlines for getting grants but they tend to look favourably on eager individuals. It depends on what you want out of it, something for the CV or uni application form, or to get an idea what its like in an industry, ideally you should aim for a 3 week solid stint and then see if your college will allow you out for a day / afternoon a week to keep it up at a place doing something you'd be interested in doing a degree in their type of work which would have the benefit of you being of use to the company (if only doing a small project) while giving you insight and CV stuff.
What form of engineering? Might be an idea to contact your school to see if they have any links with engineering firms for work experience, maybe email engineers without borders if they will take you on in a research part to do some work, or if you want more hands on, national rail or some sort of manufacturing nearby, they might be okay with having you around, also might be an idea seeing if you can do something with universities, you've sadly probably missed deadlines for getting grants but they tend to look favourably on eager individuals. It depends on what you want out of it, something for the CV or uni application form, or to get an idea what its like in an industry, ideally you should aim for a 3 week solid stint and then see if your college will allow you out for a day / afternoon a week to keep it up at a place doing something you'd be interested in doing a degree in their type of work which would have the benefit of you being of use to the company (if only doing a small project) while giving you insight and CV stuff.