It's always tempting to buy something when offered it just because it's there and available and ticks some of your boxes, but the truth is you know it's the wrong size for you and it would make your life a misery in the long run. Hard as it sounds, it is probably best for you to keep looking for something more suitable, otherwise you'll get emotionally attached to this frame and it will be the beginning of a long and painful one-sided and ultimately unrewarding love affair. The longer you own it, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it, and it will break your heart.
It's always tempting to buy something when offered it just because it's there and available and ticks some of your boxes, but the truth is you know it's the wrong size for you and it would make your life a misery in the long run. Hard as it sounds, it is probably best for you to keep looking for something more suitable, otherwise you'll get emotionally attached to this frame and it will be the beginning of a long and painful one-sided and ultimately unrewarding love affair. The longer you own it, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it, and it will break your heart.
The painful truth