Me pumping up my tyres has been a cause of near divorce. The problem, fitting the pump on the valve = massive pshhhhhhhhh hhhhssssss = tyre completely deflated = Jaygee turns into a fury "wtf are you doing!?!?!" = I get anxious on Thursday morning (pumping tyres day).
I know how to do it now but Jaygee has still not developed any patience so might play again with the psssshhhhhh shhhhhh for his own good.
Me pumping up my tyres has been a cause of near divorce. The problem, fitting the pump on the valve = massive pshhhhhhhhh hhhhssssss = tyre completely deflated = Jaygee turns into a fury "wtf are you doing!?!?!" = I get anxious on Thursday morning (pumping tyres day).
I know how to do it now but Jaygee has still not developed any patience so might play again with the psssshhhhhh shhhhhh for his own good.