**** All Bike stuff has gone** **
Off topic stuff that needs to go:
** Combined Goodmans TV/VHS combo, 14'' screen roughly. Only works in conjunction with digibox. (see below)
Phillips Digibox, working order, all cords etc included.
Few pieces of **White Ikea furniture **(Desk, low tv table) good condition
**** All Bike stuff has gone** **
Off topic stuff that needs to go:
Combined Goodmans TV/VHS combo, 14'' screen roughly. Only works in conjunction with digibox. (see below)
Phillips Digibox, working order, all cords etc included.
Few pieces of **White Ikea furniture **(Desk, low tv table) good condition
**Collection only, NW6 . **Anytime today, tommorrow evening or wednesday evening.
No Dibs etc, First to get here and take what they want gets it. PM me for address.