broken clavicle.
no private health insurance.
i would prefer to have surgery than wait for the break to heal.
what can i do?
can i "buy" the surgery?
how much would it be?
sorry but i dont know anything about how the health system works.
how bad is the break, unless its a decent break surgery isn't really necessary
surgery only holds the bones in place, you still have to wait for the pieces to knit back together
yes you can go private, but its expensive
the summary came through the other day for my surgery ( the bill goes through my private healthcare , they pay for it then send me a summary)
so far for the xray and surgery its at £1300 thats without the consultants bill for the first time he saw me, my 2 week checkup, and the following checkups to come
how bad is the break, unless its a decent break surgery isn't really necessary
surgery only holds the bones in place, you still have to wait for the pieces to knit back together
yes you can go private, but its expensive
the summary came through the other day for my surgery ( the bill goes through my private healthcare , they pay for it then send me a summary)
so far for the xray and surgery its at £1300 thats without the consultants bill for the first time he saw me, my 2 week checkup, and the following checkups to come